"I've called several times out of normal office hours and at weekends, and they've never let me down."
Cynthia, local mental health unit team leader




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Follicle loss blamed on unsigned timesheets

We’ve been looking into the reason why a second member of the Completely Care accounts team has pulled her hair out. After consulting experts, we have discovered the cause to be a particularly virulent strain of unsigned timesheets.

Please, please, pretty please with sprinkles, could you all ensure that your timesheets are signed-off by a suitable member of staff at the end of your shift, and returned to us – either by hand or via timesheets@completelycare.co.uk  - by 6pm on Monday evenings.

If your timesheet arrives late, it goes to the bottom of the pile …and it is a very high pile. If it arrives unsigned, the call we need to make to the client also goes to the bottom of an even higher pile.

In some cases, it may result in you being paid a week late. We don’t want that, our accounts team don’t want that, and we’re pretty sure you don’t either!